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  • Writer's pictureAndres Ceballos

The effect of Short-Column in Buildings

There are so many occasions in which, either by a bad design or even because of a not-so-well elaborated architectural project, some columns fail due to it`s short length (that`s why it`s called Short-Column). Let`s explore the causes behind this failures and see how to prevent them

¿What is a short Column?

As mentioned before, a short column is an element with a reduced length. In the previous picture, it is seen how the length of the column was reduced considerably due to the adjacent facade walls. the resultant effect it`s know as "Short-Column effect"

¿What is the "Short-Column effect"?

The short-Column effect is a high concentration of lateral forces in the element, mainly due the fact of its high stiffness, which in fact, is proportional to its short length. The high stiffness of the short columns allows them to perceive a considerable percentage of lateral forces due seismic or wind loads. As result, this columns fail due high shear strength

¿How to prevent this failure?

It is important to prevent this elements during the design stage, if the project requires windows or another kind of wall opening as saw in the first picture, the designers of the project must consider in the blueprint an isolation system between the walls and the columns, so the Short-Column effect won't affect the structural columns.

Solución Columna Corta
Example of a correctly issolated walls and columns (right), against the same construction with no isolation (left) (Source: BEAUPERTHUY U. URICH A., El efecto de columna corta Estudio de casos,)

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